Similar to the changing seasons, fall brings a refreshing desire of letting things fall away that are no longer self serving. During this time, I have been looking to where my blog is heading and getting to the ‘why’ behind it all.
It’s been awhile since I’ve sat down and thought about what this blog means to me. When I started out in early 2017, I was using it as a tool to grow my business. With this current season, I’ve been able to take a step back and reevaluate the content and messages that I want to share.
This time in my life has been some of the best couple of years. I have taken the time to really ~soul search~ which is so cliche, but really the only way to describe it. I’ve put myself first a lot more, and put thought and intention into what really lights me up and makes me happy. My goal is to share more of this journey in a truly authentic way, and inspire you to #liveyourbestlife.
What you can expect to see…
1. Lifestyle
Definitely more lifestyle content! I have so many passions and love finding new things to learn about and share. For the past few years, I have been passionate about eliminating toxic chemicals and bringing my essentials back to the basics. Things like wellness (for ourselves and the Earth), making realistic changes to lead a more sustainable and holistic lifestyle, spirituality, and all things ‘woo woo’ are a handful of those passions. I’m also looking forward to sharing more personal thoughts that are important to me, like body positivity and mental health.
2. Travel
Traveling is the number one thing that lights me up. Being in a new environment and out of my comfort zone is crucial for my personal well being. It also gets me out of any ruts that I may be in. I’m really excited to share some of my favorite local spots, as well as international ones. I have a few posts on this topic already, that you can check out here and here.
3. Interiors
Most importantly, all of my favorite Interior Design inspiration and tips. I will also share more about my vintage and curation process, so that you can feel inspired to start incorporating these elements into your own home. You can check out some of my past posts, about styling art or vintage rugs here. I’m really excited to share more of my own project photos as well!
Hannah Cush says
Ah you’re so great I love you!